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wordly wise3000 level 4 - lesson 1 - Make my own story Review

인생여러방 2024. 2. 11. 12:26

1. Before - try 1.

I learned about many patriots in elementary, middle, and high schools history classes. Through the classes, I got to know theire efforts and sacrifices were so great. Thus, I have hailed them with respect. Also, I have tried to get sense of patriotism like them. These dyas, I saw the news related to some of patriots' life. The news portaied thier miserable conditions.  I thought they should live in good and comfortable lives, because they devoted oneself to their country for others, not personal benefits. However, they have had hard lives. This news dismayed me a lot. I though this situation was so ridiculous. The goverment have tried to give many benefits to them. However, the goverment's policy can't cover whole partiots. In the news, the master of society policy remarked the goverment should develop the policies in line with the changing situation. He recommended many good policies to the administartion in the interview. I hopte that the goverment would update policies to ease patriots' though lives. I think If the goverment elect people who replace patriots, and they would utter their real situations and issues, then goverment could make more complete policies for them. Even though, the goverment make perfect complete policies, we should give sufficient attention on patriots. We should have a grateful heart for them, because if they weren't in our country or this word, our country or world would lack many things which you couldn't imangine. There are many private projects for patriots. If you are interested in this issues, I sugges you to look for these projects. you don't have to do something remarkable. Even small action give good effect.

2. After - try 2 .

 I studied a lot of patriots in elementary, middle, and high schools history classes. I learned how amazing their effrots and sacrifices were via the classes. Thus, I have respected them. I have also tried to get sense of patriotism like them. I saw the news lately on the lives of several partiots. The news revealed their miserable conditions. I believed that they ought to lead happy and comfortable lives. Because they devote onself to their country for others, not perosnal benefits. Nevertheless, the fact that was they have had difficult lives. I was dismayed by this new news. I thought this circumstance was so ridiculous.
 The government has tried to give several benefits to assist them. Though, the government's policy is unable to protect every patriots. In the news, the master of social policy remarked the government should develop the policies to the ever-changing situation. In the interview, he gave numerous recommendations for sound policy. I hope the government would revise its policies to ease patriots' though lives. If it elected representative who would utter their actual concerns and situations. Even though the goverment creates perfect complete policies, we still need to pay enough attention to patriots.
 We should be thankful that they are in this world and in our country. If it weren't for them, there would be lacking something more than we think in our life. there are many private project to support patriots. I suggest you to look for these project if you are interested in these concerns. You don't need to do somthing remarkable. Even little actions have positive results. 

3. LAST -

after class..
